Political News Network Bias


(extra blog post in place of "They'll Never Forget")

This post, although not a required post, is something that I thought was interesting enough to create an extra blog post about. I came across this video when searching Youtube one day. The thumbnail picture seemed interesting so I decided to click on the video and watch it. I was extremely interested and slightly shocked at the results. 

Although I always knew that there was bias within the media, seeing a visual representation of the most popular sites as well as sites that I use, was very intriguing. This helped me to realize how bias certain sites are, and in turn, pulled me away from looking at their articles.

It is often difficult to avoid bias in the news. Although it is something that I, and everyone else, can do better at trying to avoid, sometimes reading the latest twitter update or the CNN notification is a quick and easy way to get information.

This video helped me to realize that even if the information may be slightly easier to access, it might not be as beneficial when trying to figure out real, truthful, and important news. No matter which part of the political spectrum you land on, the most important thing for all Americans is to know the truth. Extremely biased news sources will not help this goal, and I as a journalist must not fall into the trap of bias and false information. 

When sitting on my computer or scrolling through my phone, I will make it a priority not to find convenience but to find truth. Whether it comes up in 2 website clicks or 10, knowing what is actually occurring, regardless of political affiliation, is what real journalism is. 


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